Friday, February 29, 2008

Block 1

initially all science is based on is intuition, major discoveries start by a hunch or just believing in something to be true. the modern ear has corrupted that idea and naturally born ability it has portrayed science as being all about logic and facts and by that even though allowing some progress to be done, depriving us from discoveries like acupuncture or penicillin that could never have been discovered in a straight forward way.
my belief in reincarnation since the dawn of time coincides with my believe that knowledge is never lost and we all combined have within us subconsciously all the knowledge in the world that is just waiting to be unraveled.

every one of us has an infinite ability to create, imagine and develop ideas and visions but in order to do that we need to free ourselves from the tyranny of routine life and maintenance, put effort in an education system and create the right environments for free thinking and creating for the sake of that alone. that same environment has been the cradle in which the basis of our whole western based society has been built on in ancient greece. only that freedom and equality could allow great mind to come up with great thoughts.

he industrial revolution was suppose to free us from doing machine like tasks but instead we have been enslaved again by our own hands.The was society is built today it doesn't really matter if you are rich, you are a slave of the economic system for you entire life-span till you retire to 'relax' and deal with elderly illnesses and the feeling of being useless. while actually you have been useless all your life by just moving money from one place to the other.

people can maximize their creative and cognitive abilities and potential from an early age, actually as we grow up our abilities diminish. when we are young our mind is free, we have a better connection with the metaphysical aspects of the world and have a less corrupted mind by the world and others. if in that stage we are giving the nurturing and encouragement to add confidence to our abilities we can reach the full extent of our minds abilities. that is why most of the world changing people have come from well established families. there are no stupid people, no people without potential, everybody has special abilities but can grow over them while growing up in an unnurturing childhood.

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